Divorce Help By State

Just click your state for help with your Divorce. If you feel you’re case may be complexed we can still help. For as little cost as one hour with an attorney. You could save money and time by being ready with your forms. This way if you choose to hire and attorney they have you’re case outlined for them. NOTE: Some States may not have what you’re looking for. Just send us a message with details. Or you’re look for help with something else. nbars.net@gmail.com

With or without kids our fee is $299.00 plus court costs.

1. Alabama 18. Louisiana 35. Ohio 
2. Alaska  19. Maine 36. Oklahoma
3. Arizona 20. Maryland 37. Oregon
4. Arkansas 21.Massachusetts 38. Pennsylvania
5. California 22. Michigan 39. Rhode Island
6. Colorado 23. Minnesota 40. South Carolina
7. Connecticut 24. Mississippi 41. South Dakota
8. Delaware 25. Missouri 42. Tennessee
9. Florida  26. Montana 43. Texas 
10. Georgia 27. Nebraska 44. Utah 
11. Hawaii 28. Nevada 45. Vermont
12. Idaho  29.New Hampshire 46. Virginia
13.Illinois 30. New Jersey 47. Washington
14. Indiana 31. New Mexico 48. Washington Dc
15. Iowa  32. New York 49. West Virginia
16. Kansas 33. North Carolina 50. Wisconsin
17. Kentucky 34. North Dakota 51. Wyoming
Is it just time for a break?

Disclaimer: New Beginnings Attorney Referral and Document Service cannot provide legal advice or provide legal representation in Court. New Beginnings is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney. The primary purpose of our company is to assist you in representing yourself (Pro Se) and preparing your documents for filing with the Court. Should you require legal representation or advice, our company can refer you to an attorney. For more information, please click on the link above entitled, “Attorney Referral.”

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